Author Guidelines
Guidelines for Writing Articles
Writing articles in the medical journal of the ABDIMAKES which is expected to be the author's consideration.
Articles sent to the journal are not yet published. To avoid double publication, abdimakes does not accept any articles which are also sent to other journals for publication at the same time. The writer should ensure that all members of his/her team have approved the article for publication. Any research report on humans as subject should enclosure the signed informed consent and prior ethical approval was obtained from a suitably constituted research ethics committee or institutional review board. If any financial support was received, or relationship(s) existed, the authors should mention that no conflict of interest of any financial support or any relationship or other, exists during a research project. Those points should mention in the Cover Letter to Editor of abdimakes
- Articles are typed with double spacing on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm).
- Maximum article length is 7,000 words with Courier or Times New Roman font 12 or as many as 15 to 20 pages.
- The top, left, right, bottom and top margins at least 1 inch.
- All pages should be numbered sequentially.
- Each table and figure is numbered sequentially, a title that corresponds to the contents of the table or figure and the source of the citation.
- Quotations in the text mention the author's last (final) name, year, and page number if deemed necessary. Example: One source of citation with one author (Rahman, 2003), if accompanied by pages (Rahman, 2003:36); One source of citation with two authors (David and Anderson, 1989); One source of citation with more than one author (David et al, 1989); Two sources of citation with the same author (David, 1989, 1992), if the year of publication is the same (David, 1989a, 1989b).
- The source of citations from one institution should mention the abbreviation or acronym concerned (BPS, 2007: DIKNAS , 2006).
Contents of the article
Writing in the form of research results is arranged as follows:
Article contains:
this section contains a summary of the article or research summary which includes research problems, objectives, methods, results, and contributions of research results.
is presented at the beginning of the text and consists of 200 to 400 words (preferably in English). Abstracts are given keywords to facilitate the preparation of the article index.
Abstract for research articles, literature review, and case report should use maximum 300 words. Research article should consist of background, purpose, methods, results and conclusion. Abstract is clearly written and is short to help readers get understanding on the new and important aspects without reading the whole article. Keywords are written on the same page with abstract separated each other with coma (,). Please use maximum 5 appropriate words for helping the indexing.
describes the theoretical framework based on the literature review which is the basis for hypotheses and research models.
Introduction provides the state of the art of the study and consists of an adequate background, previous research in order to record the existing solutions/method to show which is the best, and the main limitation of previous research, to show the scientific merit or novelties of the paper. Avoid a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. The objective should state the major aim of the research
Research Method,
contains the approach used, data collection, definition and measurement of variables as well as methods and data analysis techniques used.
Research Results,
contains the presentation of data on the results of the final results of the work process of data analysis techniques, the final form of this section is in the form of numbers, Figures and tables.
contains the abstract of the researcher after reviewing the results of the research as well as existing theories that are used as the basis for the research.
The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the study. The following components should be covered in discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the background section (what)? Do you provide interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?
contains the sources cited in the article, only the sources referred to need to be included in the bibliography.
- Citation and bibliography used must use standard citation applications (Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, etc.).
- Libraries are written in APA Style
- Libraries at least 80% come from SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS in the form of journals or proceedings with a maximum year of the last 10 years starting from submitting the manuscript in the Biographical Journal.
- Unpublished sources, such as manuscripts or personal communication cannot be used as written references.
- References in text, tables, and legends must be numbered in parentheses such as (1), (1, 4), (1-3), (1, 3-5) and quoted sequentially in the order in which they appear in the manuscript.
- Do not include references in abstracts
- References in tables, figures, and panels must be in numerical order according to where the item is cited in the text
- Libraries from online journals must include a DOI (digital object identifier)
- Online materials, please quote the URL, together with the date you accessed the website
Journal :
Berry, L. 1995. “Ralationship Marketing of Service Growing Interest, Emerging Perspective”. Journal of the Academy Marketing Science. 23. (4) : 236 – 245.
Asnawi SK dan Wijaya C. 2006. Metodologi Penelitian Keuangan, Prosedur, Ide dan Kontrol. Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu.
Article from Electronic Publisher:
Orr. 2002. “Leader Should do more than reduce turnover”. Canadian HR Reporter. 15, 18, ABI/INFORM Research. 6 & 14[06/01/04].
Widiana ME, 2004. “Dampak Faktor-Faktor Pemasaran Relasional dalam Membentuk Loyalitas Nasabah pada Bisnis Asuransi”. Majalah Ekonomi. Tahun XIV. (3) : 193-209.
Joreskog and Sorbom. 1996. Prelis 2 : User’s Reference Guide, Chicago, SSI International.
Pandey. LM. 2002. Capital Structur and Market Power Interaction : evidence from Malaysia, in Zamri Ahmad, Ruhani Ali, Subramaniam Pillay. 2002. Procedings for the fourt annual Malaysian Finance Assiciation Symposium. 31 May-1. Penang. Malaysia.
Paper :
Martinez and De Chernatony L. 2002. “The Effect of Brand Extension Strategies Upon Brand Image”. Working Paper. UK : The University of Birmingham.
Goverment Law and Regulation:
Widiana ME, 2004. “Dampak Faktor-Faktor Pemasaran Relasional dalam Membentuk Loyalitas Nasabah pada Bisnis Asuransi”. Majalah Ekonomi. Tahun XIV. (3) : 193-209.
Skripsi, Thesis, Disertasi :
Christianto I. 2008. Penentuan Strategi PT Hero Supermarket Tbk, Khususnya pada Kategori Supermarket di Kotamadya Jakarta Barat berdasarkan Pendekatan Analisis Konsep Three Stage Fred R. David (Skripsi). Jakarta : Program Studi Manajemen, Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia.
Gito. 26 Mei 2006. Penderes. Perajin Nira Sebagian Kurang Profesional. Kompas: 36 (Kolom 4-5).
Article submission:
through the author register online first at the link and also articles submitted via Make a new submission after logging in. if the author has difficulties, you can email it to:
Delivery process
The author clicks the "Register" button to register. Then the author is taken to the online form filling page. After finishing filling out the form, click the register button at the bottom, the author will be taken to the next page where the author must click the "Make a New Submission" button. After that the author will be taken to the article submission page through the following 5 steps:
- Step 1 (start) the author ticks all the list of Submission Requirements after completing click save and continue.
- Step 2 (upload submission) the author uploads the file by clicking upload file-select article component-select article text then upload the file that will be sent. When finished click continue-click complete-and click save and continue.
- Step 3 (enter metadata) the author fills in the title of the article, abstract, keyword and references after finishing click save and continue.
- Step 4 (confirmation) click finish submission then click ok.
- Step 5 (next step) until this stage the author has successfully uploaded a file that will be sent to the editor's journal. After that the author will receive a confirmation email about the submission and will be able to see the progress of the submission through the editorial process by going to the journal address site using the username and password that has been created previously.