Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) <p>Diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit Mojokerto sebagai terbitan berkala yang terbit pada bulan Maret dan September menyajikan informasi dan analisis masalah-masalah kesehatan. Kajian ini bersifat ilmiah sebagai hasil pikiran yang empiric dan teoritis. Untuk itu redaksi bersedia menerima karya ilmiah hasil penelitian, atau artikel termasuk ide-ide pengembangan di bidang kesehatan yang dihasilkan oleh dosen-dosen dan mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit Mojokerto. Redaksi berhak menyuntik, menyingkat dan memperbaiki karangan sejauh tidak mengubah isinya. Dilarang memperbanyak, mengutip dan menerjemahkan isi dalam jurnal ini tanpa seijin redaksi.</p> Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Majapahit Mojokerto en-US Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) 2085-3793 Cover Depan Lengkap Medica Majapahit Vol 16 No 1 <p>-</p> Full Cover Copyright (c) 2024 Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 16 1 HUBUNGAN KECEMASAN ORANG TUA DENGAN INTERAKSI SOSIAL ANAK PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SDN CLAKET - MOJOKERTO <p><em>This study aimed to know the correlation of parents’ anxiety with their children’s social interactions rate during the pandemic at SDN Claket, Mojokerto. Upon analyzing the data, it showed that 30 parents (52.6%) of them have moderate anxiety, and 38 students (66.7%) of them have high social interaction. It shows that there is correlation between parent’s worries and children’s social interaction during Covid-19 at SDN Claket, Mojokerto with the value of r count = 0.352 and p value = 0.007. Parent’s anxiety levels affected their children’s social interactions. More worries that parents have, resulted in less social interaction that the children get. The opposite also applies where less worries that the parents’ have, more social interaction that the children will get. Therefore, schools are suggested to hold counseling section to educate parents who have too high anxiety of their children’s social interaction to prevent them to receive psychological trauma.</em></p> Devita Anggraini Eka Diah Kartiningrum Ika Suhartanti Copyright (c) 2024 Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 16 1 1 10 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DENGAN PEMANFAATAN PEMERIKSAAN IVA PADA WANITA USIA SUBUR (WUS) DI DESA KREMBUNG KABUPATEN SIDOARJO <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and the use of IVA examination in women of childbearing age (WUS) in Krembung Village, Sidoarjo Regency. This type of research is quantitative analytic and uses a cross sectional research design. The population in this study were all women of childbearing age (WUS) in Krembung Village, Sidoarjo Regency totaling 713 people. While the sample was taken by Cluster Random Sampling as many as 88 people. Data were collected using a Knowledge Questionnaire about IVA. The data collected was processed by data processing and analyzed using the Pearson correlation test. The results showed that most of the respondents had sufficient knowledge, namely 52 people (59.1%), most of the respondents in using the IVA examination were in the never category, namely 76 people (86.4%). The results of data analysis showed that there was a relationship between knowledge and the use of IVA examinations in women of childbearing age (WUS) in Krembung Village, Sidoarjo Regency (p=0.000). Increasing knowledge of women of childbearing age (WUS) can be done through socialization or counseling to women of childbearing age (WUS) either formally in health services or informally</em></p> Khoirun Nissa Henry Sudiyanto Siti Rachmah Copyright (c) 2024 Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 16 1 11 15 HUBUNGAN PERILAKU IBU DENGAN KEJADIAN ISPA PADA BALITA DI DESA JABON KECAMATAN MOJOANYAR KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO <p><em>ISPA Disease in Indonesia ISPA disease is the first highest cause of death in infants and morbidity in toddlers. In addition, this disease is often in the top 10 diseases in health facilities, especially at the Puskesmas. The aim of this research was to find out the behavior of mothers with the incidence of ARI in toddlers in Jabon Village, Mojoanyar District, Mojokerto Regency. This type of quantitative research uses an observational method with a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study were mothers who had toddlers in Jabon Village, Mojoanyar District, Mojokerto Regency. A total of 55 people by taking samples using Simple Random Sampling. The results of research on the relationship between mother's behavior and ISPA incidence in toddlers in Jabon Village, Mojoanyar District, Mojokerto Regency. The results of the chi square statistical test showed a significant level of 0.052 &lt; (0.05) for knowledge, a significant level of 0.058 (.0.05) for attitudes and a significant level of 0.611 for action, so knowledge had a relationship and attitudes and actions had no relationship with events ISPA. It is hoped that the community and research sites can provide a reference for increasing knowledge, attitudes and actions. For the author, it is hoped that this can become insight, information, used as a reference for continuing research</em></p> Sinthia Ariska Gahiwu Dwi Helynarti Syurandhari Copyright (c) 2024 Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 16 1 16 25 PERAN ORANGTUA DALAM PENGGUNAAN GADGET DENGAN PERKEMBANGAN PSIKOSOSIAL DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Pada Anak Prasekolah di TK Aisyiyah 9 Kabupaten Mojokerto) <p><em>Using gadgets has become one of the basic needs of humans so that many negative impacts are caused by the use of gadgets because they cannot use gadgets well. One of the negative impacts caused by gadgets is the risk of psychosocial development problems. The purpose of the study was to determine the role of parents in the use of gadgets with psychosocial development in the Pandemic Covid-19 studies in preschool age children in TK Aisyiyah 9 Mojokerto Regency. This research design uses an analytical research design correlation with a cross sectional approach. The sampling used is simple random sampling so that 41 samples are obtained. This research instrument uses a questionnaire. Data analysis using the Spearman’s Rho test. The results showed that almost all respondents had a role in the use of gadgets in sufficient categories, namely 34 respondents (82.9%), almost all respondents had psychosocial development in the good category of 38 respondents (92.7%). Spearman's Rho test results show that Pvalue = 0.427 or more than α (0.05) which means there is no relationship between the role of parents in the use of gadgets with psychosocial development in the Pandemic Covid-19 period in TK Aisyiyah 9 Mojokerto Regency.&nbsp; Parents who have an adequate role turned out to be their children having good psychosocial development, this can be caused by the child's psychosocial development influenced by many factors, not only the role of parents in the use of gadgets. It is hoped that parents to limit the use of gadgets in children, which is a maximum of 2 hours a day, provide games and invite children to play with parents so that children do not always use gadgets</em><em>.</em></p> Nisrina Marwa Rindani Dwiharini Puspitaningsih Fitria Wahyu Ariyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 16 1 26 34 HUBUNGAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR PREDISPOSISI DENGAN KEPESERTAAN MANDIRI PROGRAM JAMINAN KESEHATAN NASIONAL DI BPJS KESEHATAN KANTOR KAB. LUMAJANG CABANG JEMBER <p><em>Having a health insurance in the global era is considered quite important The phenomenon that occurs in the field is the lack of public knowledge of the JKN Program managed by BPJS Kesehatan. The effort made is to optimize the National Health Insurance program. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between predisposing factors and independent participation in the National Health Insurance Program at the BPJS Kesehatan Lumajang District Office Jember Branch. This study used correlational analytics with a cross-sectional approach, the population mounted to 51 participants, the sample obtained 34 participants. Data collected through questionnaires were analyzed using the Chi-Square test. The results showed that most had poor knowledge (44.1%), most had received information (61.8%), some had never had experience (64.7%), and most had unregistered status (58.8%). Based on the results of the study, there is a relationship between predisposing factors and Independent Participation in the National Health Insurance Program at BPJS Kesehatan Lumajang District Office Jember Branch. It is hoped that there will be innovations for BPJS Health regarding the ease of registration of BPJS Health participants and strategies are needed in the promotion of JKN so that the BPJS Health membership target can be achieved properly.</em></p> Ryan Arfiansyah Asih Media Yuniarti Copyright (c) 2024 Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 16 1 36 46 POLA ASUH KELUARGA DAN PERILAKU BULLIYING DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN <p><em>Bullying is the intentional and conscious desire to hurt another person and put them under pressure. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between family upbringing and bullying behaviour in adolescents at SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto.</em> <em>This study used a correlational research design with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were 967 students in grades 10 and 11 at SMK N 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. This study used 212 respondents as a sample using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a parenting questionnaire and Adolescent Peer Relations Instrument – ​​Bullying (APRI-BT).</em> <em>The results showed that almost half of the respondents had authoritarian parenting styles (38.7%), and almost half tended to be victims of bullying (42.0%). The chi-square test results obtained a p–value of 0.314, meaning there is no relationship between parenting style and bullying behaviour in adolescents at SMKN 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. Factors that influence bullying are family factors, peers, media influence, school factors, and social environmental conditions factor.</em> <em>Increasing understanding of adolescent bullying behaviour and parenting by parents is essential. This reduces the occurrence of bullying behaviour among adolescents</em><em>.</em></p> Anisa Amiliana Angin Yudha Laga Hadi Kusuma Atikah Fatmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Medica Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT) 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 16 1 47 53