Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) 2024-02-23T03:16:50+00:00 Eka Diah Kartiningrum Open Journal Systems <p>Hospital Majapahit is published by Majapahit Health Polytechnic in Mojokerto on a regular basis (every 6 months) with the aim of disseminating information on research results, scientific articles to academics, students, practitioners and others who pay attention to research in the fields of public health, nursing and midwifery. This journal have ISSN number: P.ISSN:&nbsp;<a href="">2085-0204</a>&nbsp;E.ISSN:&nbsp;<a href="">2656-1808</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>The scope of research results and articles published in the Majapahit Hospital Journal is also related to education conducted by the Majapahit Health Polytechnic, Mojokerto. Every year the Majapahit Hospital journal publishes 2 numbers, namely in February and November. Researchers/lecturers/students/general practitioners and health practitioners who wish to publish their own research results are welcome to register and login to submit articles on the website of the hospital journal Majapahit (</p> <p>The Majapahit Hospital Journal has been accredited on December 13, 2019 with No. Letter 36/E/KPT/2019 with Indexed Scientific Journal Accreditation Rating Period VII Year 2019 (Rank 5 / Sinta 5)</p> Cover, Halaman Redaksi, Daftar Isi 2024-02-22T06:57:52+00:00 Full Cover <p>-</p> 2024-02-22T06:57:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN KEPATUHAN KUNJUNGAN ANC PADA IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER III 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Nurhayati Ningsih Dyah Siwi Hety Fitria Edni Wari <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between family support and compliance with ANC visits in third trimester pregnant women at the Independent Practicing Midwife Amirul Cholifah S.Tr. Keb in Sumberwono Village, Bangsal District, Mojokerto Regency. The results showed that most of the respondents were in the Supporting category, namely 24 people (80%), and most of the respondents were in the Compliant category, namely 20 people (66.7 The results of the Fisher Exact test p value = 0.000 means that there is a correlation between family support and compliance with ANC visits in third trimester pregnant women at Independent Practice Midwife Amirul Cholifah S.Tr. Keb in Sumberwono Village, Bangsal District, Mojokerto Regency. Family support and pregnancy checks are important motivations for pregnant women in the form of compliance with ANC visits to maintain the condition of the mother and the growth of the fetus. It is expected that health workers will provide education and counseling about ANC to pregnant women so that families pay more attention to the physiological and psycholoical conditions of pregnant women</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:14:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) PENGARUH PEMBERIAN PELATIHAN TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN DAN PERILAKU CUCI TANGAN PAKAI SABUN (CTPS) PADA SISWA SD INPRES MAPOLI KECAMATAN KOTA RAJA TAHUN 2022 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Stephany Rahmawati Ribka Limbu R. Pasifikus Christa Wijaya <p><em>Health education is a number of experiences that have a beneficial effect on habits, knowledge and behavior related to individual health. Washing hands with soap (CTPS) is one of the sanitation measures by cleaning hands and fingers using water and soap to keep them clean. This study aims to analyze the effect of training on knowledge and behavior of handwashing with soap (CTPS) in students of SD Inpres Mapoli, Kota Raja subdistrict in 2022. This research is a type of quasi-experimental research with population in this study is 130 students. The research sample consisted of 60 students divided into an experimental group of 30 students and a control group of 30 students taken using simple random sampling. Collecting data using questionnaires and observation sheets. The data analysis used repeated measures ANOVA test. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant increase in knowledge with a large effect size (p &lt;0.001 and partial eta squared 0.588). This training can also increase the occurrence of changes in students CTPS behavior with p &lt; 0.001 and a large effect size (partial eta squared of 0.801). From the test results, it was found that p value &lt; 0.05 means that H<sub>0</sub> is rejected and H<sub>1</sub> is accepted, which means that there is an effect of handwashing with soap training on knowledge and behavior of hand washing in elementary school children. It was concluded that in connection with this research, training on handwashing and soap should be carried out routinely in schools</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:15:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) PENGARUH FISIOTERAPI DADA TERHADAP POLA DAN FREKUENSI NAFAS PADA PASIEN TUBERKULOSIS DI PUSKESMAS SIBANDE 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Suryani Berutu Nurhabibi Berutu Subki Ramadhan Elis Anggeria Devi Ardila <p><em>Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that causes many problems in the lungs, and the bacteria that cause this disease are bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). TB has several typical symptoms with the main symptoms such as experiencing a cough that produces phlegm or does not produce phlegm. Therefore, non-medical therapy can be used to treat and help expel phlegm, namely chest physiotherapy. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chest physiotherapy on breathing patterns and frequency. The research method is a quasi-experimental design using a single group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study was 22 people suffering from TB. The sampling technique was saturated sampling, and the sample size was 22 people. Analysis of this research data uses a non-parametric test, namely the Wilcoxon test. The research results obtained a significant value of 0.000&lt;0.005 indicating the influence of chest physiotherapy on respiratory frequency. Furthermore, a significant value of 0.002 &lt;0.005 indicates the influence of chest physiotherapy on breathing patterns. The results of this study can be concluded that chest physiotherapy has an influence on breathing patterns and frequency in TB patients.</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:17:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) LITERATURE REVIEW: PENGARUH PIJAT BAYI TERHADAP PERUBAHAN KADAR BILIRUBIN DIRECT DAN BILIRUBIN INDIRECT PADA BAYI DENGAN TERAPI SINAR 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Ika Yuni Susanti Citra Adityarini Safitri <p><em>Infant massage is one of the tactile stimulation and has become a hereditary tradition and has been studied in research in the fields of neonatal science, neurology, psychology, and several other health sciences. The incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in general is a physiological problem that occurs in almost 80% of newborns with prematurity and up to 60% of aterm newborns and occurs in the first week of life. This study aims to determine the implementation of massage therapy in neonates to reduce bilirubin levels. The research method used literature review by searching articles obtained through databases including Science Direct, Elsevier and Google Scholar. The results showed five articles involving neonates in five countries with a randomized control trial (RCT) design, stating that infant massage therapy is the most influential in reducing the degree of neonatal jaundice in the group given massage therapy because it can stimulate defecation. In addition, the provision of physiological massage therapy can improve the circulation of blood flow, lymph and tissue fluids thereby increasing bilirubin output.</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:19:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN FRAILTY SYNDROME PADA LANSIA WANITA DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SINGOSARI 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Siti Nuryatul Badriyah Tri Nataliswati Tri Cahyo Sepdianto Sumirah Budi Pertami <p><em>Elderly is someone who is in the final stage of adulthood where age starts from 60 years and over. This condition is interpreted as a decrease, weakness, increased risk of various diseases and other physiological changes. Elderly who experience this condition is called frailty syndrome. If not handled properly frailty syndrome can lead to increased death in the elderly. This study used a quantitative design with a cross sectional approach and data collection was carried out using a questionnaire as an instrument. The independent variables in this study were sociodemographic (abandonment and family functioning), physical, nutritional, psychological, functional and cognitive. While the dependent variable is frailty syndrome. The research sample was 95 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The analytical method uses the Spearman Rank test. Factors related to frailty syndrome at the Singosari Health Center were sociodemographic factors (neglect) (p=0.000), physical factors (p=0.000), functional factors (p=0.000), psychological factors (p=0.000), cognitive factors (p=0.000) and nutritional factors (p=0.000), while sociodemographic factors (family functions) (p=0.214) had no relationship with frailty syndrome and the most dominant factor was functional factors. The suggestion put forward is that the health center increases the intensity of physical exercise programs that already exist at the puskesmas and at the elderly Posyandu such as walking together and exercising for the elderly and inviting the elderly to participate actively in order to increase independence.</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:20:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) ANALISIS DUKUNGAN KELUARGA TERHADAP STRES KERJA TENAGA KESEHATAN DI RSUD WARU KAB. PAMEKASAN 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Atikah Rahadiani Basar Rifaatul Laila Mahmudah Eka Diah Kartiningrum <p><em>Health-care workers are confronted with condition that demand to always provide optimum health-care service. It causes health-care workers to cope with stress at work. Health-care workers may experience stress at work when the job demand are not suitable with their abilities. There are several factors that can cause work stress to health-care workers, including family's support. The purpose of this study is to know family's support analyzes for the work stress on health-care workers in RSUD Waru, Pamekasan Regency. The method of this research is a type of quantitative research using an observational analytic design through cross sectional approach with research focus is directed to know the effect of family support for the work stress of health-care workers in RSUD Waru, Pamekasan Regency. The number of population is 122 people and the number of samples are 55 respondents which are taken by Simple Random Sampling technique. </em><em>The result of linear regression shows Fcount value is 45,769 with P Value (0.000) it means that there is influence of family support for work stress. The value of determinant coefficient shows 0.463 which means that 46.3% of work stress is determined by family support while the remaining amount to 53.7% is effected by other factors. </em><em>In this study, the result is found that there is an influence between family support with stress work of health-care workers in RSUD </em><em>Waru, Pamekasan Regency. Family's support has negative relation towards the work stress that is experienced by health-care workers. Health care workers who receive sufficient family support will experience less work stress.</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:21:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) KAJIAN TEORITIS STRATEGI EFEKTIF PENURUNAN KEMATIAN BAYI 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Ulum Rokhmat Rokhmawan Yuly Peristiowati Dwi Helynarti Syurandhari <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Infant mortality rate is one of the important indicators of public health. Efforts to reduce infant mortality have been made by the government from year to year. So the assessment of the effectiveness of these activities is interesting to explore. The method used to write this article is a systematic review, which is limited to searching the literature for the last 5 years (2018-2023).&nbsp; Search results for articles that match the keyword obtained 126 articles. However, after further searching, 8 articles were obtained that fit the inclusion criteria and themes to be discussed. The results of the study explain that not all programs are running well. So that coordinative efforts between various sectors are needed in order to achieve the IMR reduction target as planned. Efforts have not been implemented optimally, the effectiveness of programs implemented across programs and across sectors is able to reduce infant mortality in Indonesia little by little. Local governments are expected to make coordinated efforts involving all service sectors and community organizations to participate in the success of the program and improve the achievement of the work program that has been planned every year.</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:22:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) HUBUNGAN SOCIAL SUPPORT DENGAN DEPRESI ORANG TUA YANG MEMPUNYAI ANAK KECANDUAN GADGET 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Hindyah Ike Suhariati Endang Yuswatiningsih <p><em>Gadgets play a major role in the development of the times and help humans in completing all kinds of matters better. Starting from learning, looking for entertainment, to communicating with others. However, the impact of using this gadget too often is certainly not good, both for health and mental impact. The low level of social support received by parents of children who are addicted to gadgets is a trigger for parental depression at various levels and symptoms. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between social support and depression in parents who have children addicted to gadgets at Candimulyo Elementary School, Jombang Regency. The design of this study uses a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all parents who had children at SDN 1 Candimulyo, Jombang Regency, as many as 160 people with a sampling technique using simple random sampling and a sample of 104 people. Data processing editing, coding, scoring, tabulating. The data analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis with the Rank Spearman statistical test. with alpha (0.05). The results showed that almost half of the parents of addicted children received low social support, with a total of 36 people (34.6%), while almost half of the depression levels experienced major depression, with some 46 people (44.2%). The results of statistical tests using the Spearman Rank test obtained a value of p = 0.000, if α = 0.05 then p &lt;α which means H1 is accepted. In conclusion, there is a relationship between social support and depression in parents who have children addicted to gadgets</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:23:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) PENGARUH PENERAPAN SAFETY PATROL TERHADAP KEPATUHAN PEMAKAIAN ALAT PELINDUNG DIRI (APD) DI PT X 2024-02-21T05:26:16+00:00 Bayu Sela Priyatna Idham Latif Disya Hana Rahayu <p><em>Workers' compliance in using personal protective equipment (PPE) in industry, especially those with high risk, requires a commitment to occupational safety and health (K3) from the company, management, and workers. Compliance is a form of behavior that can be influenced by internal factors. Compliance with the use of PPE is a specific safety behavior towards the object of the work environmen. This research method uses Literature Review or literature study with the Systematic Review method. The results of the collection of articles that match the inclusion criteria in this study were 7 articles, which were obtained through Google Scholar by using the keywords safety patrol and the use of PPE. The results of a literature study on the effect of the application of safety patrols on compliance with the use of personal protective equipment were obtained as many as 5 of 7 articles which stated that there was an influence between the application of safety patrols on compliance with the use of PPE. The conclusion of this study is that based on research conducted using the literature study method, there are two articles that say there is no influence between a good K3 program in which there is a Safety Patrol program with worker compliance in the use of PPE.</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:24:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) PERAWATAN LUKA DIABETIK DI RUMAH PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS YANG PERNAH DIRAWAT DI RUMAH SAKIT 2024-02-21T05:26:17+00:00 Nurul Hidayah Rahmi Syarifatun Abidah <p><em>Diabetic ulcers is a malfunction of continuity tissue in patients diabetes mellitus uncontrolled and undergoes necrosis tissue a consequence of the disorder blood vessels, neuroscience disorder, and infection. The treatment of injuries retinopathy at home is a aseptic clean and washing a sore and ended choose swathe proper . Diabetic ulcers makes the impact and problems in the family, especially in a process the treatment of injuries done by the family. Phenomena found dressing a wound that “less” in people with gangrene in RSUD Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan. The treatment of injuries bad in diabetes will result in a serious health problem of them amputation feet. The purpose of this research has described the treatment of injuries retinopathy when the home was done by the to diabetics Mellitus.The kind of research used is research descriptive. This research using technique sampling consecutive sampling with the number of respondents 30 people .Technique data collection use sheets of observation .The result of research preparation in treating wound 47 % good , treatments in cleansing a wound 43 % less , wound dressing 40 % enough .The treatment of injuries retinopathy when home in people with diabetes mellitus that ever were treated at the&nbsp; Bangil hospital Kabupaten Pasuruan 40 % good .Good enough lack of the treatment of injuries retinopathy home depends on the way the treatment , of a common purpose, is known 40 % category good .It was because preparation in treating a wound that good and wound dressing enough although treatments in cleansing a wound is weak .For health institutions to give the treatment of injuries retinopathy good and education health or information about the treatment of injuries home good , so that degrees healing can be increased .</em></p> 2024-02-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) PERKEMBANGAN LANSIA PENDERITA HIPERTENSI SETELAH DIBERIKAN TERAPI KOMPLEMENTER TOTOK PUNGGUNG DI DESA BANJARSARI KECAMATAN SUMBERASIH KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO 2024-02-21T05:26:17+00:00 Lucia Retnowati Mega Silvia Kasiati <p><em>The increase in elderly people with hypertension that is not balanced with hypertension control results in complications. Treatment of hypertension can be done with nonpharmacological methods such as back acupressure. However, subject knowledge about back acupressure is still lacking, this is unfortunate if it is not applied as an alternative to hypertension control so that health status The elderly are less than optimal. The purpose of this study was to identify the development of the elderly in terms of physical and emotional complaints after being given back acupressure therapy. This research is a case study with a descriptive research approach. Sampling using purposive sampling with 2 subjects. Data collection using interview techniques and observation sheets. Data is presented in the form of transcript tables, graphs, and narratives. Overall, it was found that the administration of back acupressure therapy for 2 weeks with 6 meetings experienced changes in blood pressure reduction, physical complaints and emotional complaints. It can be concluded that after the administration of acupressure therapy, the back has gradually decreased changes. Therefore, back acupressure can be done routinely and control a healthy lifestyle in daily life, so that health status becomes optimal.</em></p> 2024-02-21T02:27:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) PENGARUH PENGETAHUAN DAN PERILAKU PEMILIHAN MAKANAN JAJANAN ANAK SEKOLAH TERHADAP KEJADIAN PENYAKIT DIARE DI SMA NEGERI 12 SERAM BAGIAN TIMUR - MALUKU 2024-02-21T05:26:17+00:00 Donny Patty Henry Sudiyanto Mohammad Yusuf Alamudi <p><em>For School children, choosing low-quality snacks is a problem of major concern in society, especially foods that contain dangerous chemicals on the market. Canteens and food sellers at school are important agents that cause children to consume unthelthy food, which can cause diarrhea. This study was to determine the effect of knowledge and behavior in selection school children’s snack on the incidence of disease diarrhea in SMA Negeri 12 Seram Bagian Timur-Maluku. this is a quantitative study with a simple regression analysis design, the sample of the study was taken from class X Studens from two majors of science and social studies with a total of 48 people using a purposive sample technique. The independent variable in this study is the knowledge and behavior of choosing snacks and the dependent variable is the incidence of diarrhea. With the research instrument using a questionnaire. of the study showed that 23 respondents had very high (47,92%) 21 high (43,75%) 3 medium (6,25%) and 1 Low knowledge (2.0%) then in terms of behavior there were 17 respondents with very high (35,42) 23 high (47,92%) 7 medium (14,58%) and 1 behavior (2,08) and in the incidence of diarrhea there were 17 respondents in the categories very high (35,42%) 18 high (37,50%) 10 medium (20,83%) and 1 lo (2,08%).</em></p> 2024-02-21T03:07:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO) HUBUNGAN FAKTOR PEMANFAATAN PROGRAM PROLANIS DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SUKAGUMIWANG TAHUN 2023 2024-02-23T03:16:50+00:00 Depi Yulyanti Muhamad Fauzi Siti Nurjani Rudiansyah Rudiansyah <p><em>Diabetes mellitus can cause complications and become a public health problem which is the most important cause of death, morbidity and disability in the world. The prevalence rate of diabetes mellitus continues to increase in the 2013 Riskesdas, namely 6.9%, in 2018 it increased to 8.5%. In Indramayu itself, based on the profile of the Indramayu District Health Service in 2022, there are 17,868 diabetes mellitus sufferers.The aim of this research is to determine the factors associated with prolanis utilization programs.This research uses quantitative methods with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was 9,332 people, the sample used the Slovin formula with a result of 99 respondents and the sampling technique used incidental sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Using univariate and bivariate design analysis carried out with the Chi-Square Test. The factor that is related to the use of prolanis is support from health workers. It is hoped that the suggestions in this research will help health workers to socialize and motivate the public to take advantage of the prolanis program</em></p> 2024-02-21T03:46:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hospital Majapahit (JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO)